From a report of the meeting of the Board of Guardians of
Enniscorthy Poor Law Union as published in The People on the 12th of
January 1865:--
“Ordinary Proceedings
Mr Lett as Secreatary to the Sanitary Committee of Clonroche,
submitted a resolution, entered into at a meeting in Clonroche, on the 31st
ult., for the purpose of ascertaining the sanitary state of that village, which
set forth the condition in which it was found to be, after a careful house to
house search by the Committee.
Ordered—That the Committee be empowered to purchase lime, whitewash
brushes, and buckets and to hire a competent person to cleanse and purify the
cabins of those who are not able to afford to do so themselves; that they call
the attention of the police to their duties under the act—and that those who
refuse to remove all nuisance who can afford to do so, be summoned before the
magistrates. That in the first instance, £3 be allowed for the purchase of
lime, brushes and buckets.”
From The Wexford Independent the 14th of January 1894:--
“Strange Freak of a Sick Man at Tominearly
On Tuesday evening last word reached the Enniscorthy Union Workhouse
that a van was required to bring in a man, named Power, a servant at Mr David
Doran’s , who was seriously ill. It was found impossible to send the van
for the man that night but on the
following morning when it arrived at Tominearly, it was found that the
unfortunate man, who is said to be suffering from erysipelas, had broken out of
the house during the night, and that he could not be found. The driver of the
van, at once, turned his horse’s head towards Enniscorthy, and came back with
an empty vehicle. In the meantime a strict search was made for the missing man
and he was found on Wednesday in the neighbourhood of Palace in quite an exhausted
state. He was too weak to have him removed to the infirmary.”
From The Wexford Independent the 28th of September
“Potato Manure, Turnip Manure, Mangold
I beg to inform the Nobiliy, Gentry and farmers of the County of
Wexford that I have been appointed sole agent in this county for the sale of
Manufactured by the Liverpool and Ramsey Oil and Chemical Manure
Company Limited.
Having been favoured with the agency last year, also, I appeal with
confidence to the testimony of all who used this manure; and from the splendid
crops of Turnips produced by it on my own land near Castleboro, I unhesitingly
recommend it to all who desire a large yield of Potatoes, Turnips or Mangolds.
The manure has been analysed by Professor Cameron, Dublin, who
declares that it contains 30 per cent of phosphate lime, and a higher
proportion of ammonia than is found for all green crops, highly suitable for
barley, rape, &c. A sprinkling of salt along with it helps to develop more
effectively its fertilising properties.
Sold on very moderate terms
Sole agent for County Wexford
T. H. Rowe
Wexford March, 1866
To be had, also, from Mr John D. Rowe,
Castleboro Mills”
From The Free Press the 28th of March 1925:--
“Castleboro Saw Mills
Enquiries solicited for boards, scantlings,
roofings, box board in best quality native fir, posts, fencing, stakes in oak,
at cheap prices. Larch shafts for binders and carts, all sizes in stock. Bone
dry fish felloes and oak spokes, elm stocks. Full descriptions of native timber
quoted at keen prices.
Coppen, Castleboro Saw Mils,
From the report of Clonroche Petty Sessions in The People the 15th
of August 1896:--
“Non-Registration of births
Patrick Connors, Clonroche and John Kavanagh, Rossdroit, were summoned
for failing to register the births of children. The summonses were brought in
the name of Mrs Keating, assistant registrar of births and marriages for
Clonroche district. Mr O’Dempsey appeared on behalf of Mrs Keating and Mr White
for one of the defendants, Patrick Connors.
The case against Connors was first taken up. He was summoned for not
registering the birth of his daughter on the 24th of August ’94. Mr
O’Dempsey said that owing to the absence of Dr Keating, the summons was brought
in the name of Mrs Keating. Mr White said that he did not require that Mrs
Keating would be examined, and proved to the non-registration.
Connors said that his wife had brought the child to be registered.
Mr White asked to have the defendant’s wife examined but Mr O’Dempsey
objected and contended that, under the statute, the offence being a penal one,
the wife could not be examined. It was the same as in a murder case, where the
wife could not be examined to prove an alibi.
A fine of 1 penny was imposed and an order was made that the
registration be carried out.
Mr White pleaded guilty in the case of John Kavanagh, who was
summoned for not registering the child Edward. A fine of 1 penny was imposed.”
From The People the 5th of April 1862:--
“Inquest—On Monday, M. J. Cartan, Esq., Coroner, held an inquest at
Killegney, near Clonroche, on the body of Catherine Hanna. It appeared from the
evidence that the morning previous while preparing to go to Chapel she died
suddenly—Verdict—“Died from disease of the heart.”
From report of Board of Guardians of Enniscorthy Poor Law union
meeting, published in The people, the 5th of August 1893:--
“Clonroche National School
The following letter was read:--
“Office of National Education
Sir—Referring to the action taken by the sanitary officer of the
Enniscorthy Poor-Law Union in regard to the proximity of the privies attached
to the Clonroche National Schools to the school building. I am directed by the
Commissioners of National Education to inform you that on the recommendation of
the Board of Works, they have granted the sum of £21 6 shillings and 8 pence on
a total expenditure of £32, for the erection of two new privies at a distance
of fifty feet from the back of the schoolhouse.—Yours obedient servant,
J. C. Taylor”
From The Enniscorthy Guardian the 8th of January 1949:--
“Miss Bridget Redmond, whose death took place at the Co. Hospital,
Wexford, on Sunday, was over for over thirty-two years housekeeper for Very
Rev. Michael Murphy P. P. Cloughbawn. Up to late on Saturday she was in her usual
good health, but becoming suddenly ill, Fr Murphy administered the Last
Sacraments and summoned medical aid. She was removed to the Co. Hospital where
despite every care and attention she passed away peacefully on Sunday evening.
The remains were removed to Carnagh where interment took place in the family
burial ground. Requiem Mass Office and High Mass were held in Cloughbawn Church
on Wednesday—R. I. P.”
From The Enniscorthy Guardian, the 30th of June 1894:--
“Dr Cardiff, Coroner for South Wexford, held an inquest on Wednesday
on the body of a man named Peter Nolan (Coolaught) who expired suddenly in the
public-house of Mr John Cullen on Tuesday evening. The testimony showed that
death was due to the effects of excessive tobacco smoking and that it had taken
place with awful suddenness.
Mrs Rebecca Cullen was the first witness examined. She proved that
the deceased had entered the house on Tuesday evening and had called for some
beer with which he had been supplied.
Sylvester Hore Raheen, (farmer) deposed that he knew the deceased.
On Tuesday evening witness was in one of the rooms of Mrs Cullen’s house when
Catherine Maher, a servant of Mrs Cullen’s called him and said she thought
there was a “weakness” over Peter Nolan. Before this he was unaware of the
presence of the deceased in the house. He got up at once and entered the room
in which Nolan was. Nolan’s head was resting on his breast, he was in a sitting
posture on the form and his hat had fallen off. Witness spoke to him and he did
not reply. In the meantime, Mrs Cullen’s girl and Maggie Hendrick came in and
with the assistance of these two he removed Nolan to the yard. After deceased’s
removal to the yard, he showed no signs of life; he did not stir and witness
did not hear him breathing. Some person in the yard, however, said he was
breathing. In a few minutes they found he was dead, and carried him into the
house again.
Luke Nolan, brother of the deceased, stated that he lived in the
same house as Peter Nolan and always considered the latter generally healthy.
He never knew him to be ailing, save with a cold. He never knew him to have
suffered from rheumatism or rheumatic fever, or any pains, but twenty years
ago, deceased suffered from a pain in his back. Deceased never appeared
distressed after exertion and he never had a cough, nor was he eating bad.
In reply to Dr Keating, the witness said that Peter had a good
appetite. He was a very heavy smoker and smoked 2 or 3 ounces in the week.
Witness did not know that his brother had been taking medicine four or five
months in succession but knew that he had been drinking cod liver oil some time
ago. He never heard him complain of palpitation of the heart.
Dr M. E. Keating stated that he had been attending deceased last
Autumn for about four months. He (deceased) was suffering from cough, profuse
perspiration and loss of appetite—all brought on by excessive smoking of
tobacco. At one timed deceased used to smoke six ounces of tobacco in the week
but he reduced that amount. Syncope and failure of the heart’s action were the
causes of death.
A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned.”
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